The Chief Guest, Monsieur. Antoine Esteban, The Regional Attaché for Cooperation and Culture of the French Embassy, Bienvenue et merci beaucoup pour votre prèsence ce soir Sisters of St Joseph of Cluny; [The First Lady, Adi Koila Nailatikau; Adi Samanunu Talakuli], Alumnae of the Class of 1956 who were the first class of the School and Alumnae representing 55 years of the School. As President of the Fiji Alumnae it is my very great pleasure to welcome you all to this launch of the Emerald Jubilee celebrating 55 years of the contribution of our School to our country!
Today, the 19th March is a significant day for all alumnae. It is the Feast of St Joseph, the Foster father of Jesus and our patron saint who is our constant reminder of humbleness and love of family. May I begin by wishing alumnae and the Sisters a happy St Joseph Feast Day! 3 cheers for St Joseph’s Secondary School Suva Fiji!
I stand here on behalf of the thousands of St Joseph Old Girls wherever they may be and remembering those long gone, who have benefited from the tutelage and guidance of the Sisters of St Joseph of Cluny and lay members of staff.
In 2006, we celebrated our Golden Jubilee which brought together alumnae from all over the world. It was the beginning of the rebirth of the alumnae which is further manifested through your presence at this Emerald Jubilee launch. The seed of this Jubilee was planted by some members of the 1st class of 1956 who live overseas who turn 70 this year and who wish to return home and to celebrate their birthdays with school friends and family.
The group made contact with Sister and I and shared their thoughts on what they were planning during the week 24-31 July. The seed was planted!
In the midst of communications with the 1956 group Sr Genevieve receive a reflection by Esther Heller of the Jewish Writing Institute from Trisha Sahai Muller which seemed so appropriate in light of the discussions taking place. It said:
“This is the Torah view of the winter of life: In the winter the trees look almost dead, like sticks in the ground. However beneath the ground the tree is putting down roots that will nourish it, and in the spring it bursts into flower. Old age is the springtime of life, all that you've learned bursts into blossom. It is the time that you, as well as others, can benefit from your years of knowledge and experience."
The seed took root and from this reflection sprouted the French Jubilee theme of “Le Printemps de la Vie" which in English means the Springtime of Life. It was read as paying tribute to our first alumnae; at the same time acknowledging the link with alumnae that followed and, in particular, the younger generation. The theme is also a tribute to our French connections which began in Chamblanc in France with Blessed Anne-Marie Javouhey who had visions of the call of young women in need in far-away lands that saw her establish the Congregation of the Sisters of St Joseph of Cluny Sisters which reached out to Africa, the Caribbean, the Pacific and the rest of the world, where they continue their work in her name. The 55 years of contribution by the School is signified by the emerald, a dark green precious stone reflecting how precious we all are. Together, these set the scene for the Emerald celebration.
Having been very involved in the Golden Jubilee in 2006 it is wonderful to see many of the Alumnae who were present then, and even greater to see tonight, many young faces of the last twenty years. The Executive of the Alumnae was heartened at the response from Alumnae to the call to form the Emerald Jubilee Committee for this celebration and I would like to share with you an email to me from Sr Genevieve which said `Those of the decades of the 90s and 2000 are a sign of spring as they are our future. We, the older ones are the ones to lay the foundation, to nourish the young with our knowledge and experience and help them to burst forth into flower. Somehow this celebration is growing from the grassroots level, and it is our role to direct and guide and give support.’ We are here to support you and I acknowledge with sincere gratitude the work of the Jubilee Committee led by Dr. Theresa Koroivulaono and look forward to their plans for July.
At this time of celebration, the alumnae acknowledge the Sisters of St Joseph of Cluny for their foresight and commitment to the education of girls through this school and others. Whilst many of us might not have thought it when we were at school, though our mother’s knew this, the Sisters were to have a profound effect on our lives. They instilled in us a belief in ourselves and that with honest hard work, the Lord’s guidance, the example of Our Lady and Blessed Anne Marie Javouhey combined with the humbleness of St Joseph and the advice of our parents, we could achieve what we set out to do and make a positive impact on our families, communities, nation and world. To them, and here I wish to mention their names, Sr. Louis Woodnutt, Sr. Jude Shiels, Sr. Rosalie Grant (RIP), Sr. Damien D'Arcy,Sr. Dismas Wilson (RIP), Sr. Joseph Davies, Sr. Irene Bouchier-Hayes, Sr. Eileen McGrath, Sr. Francis Kelly, Sr. Angela Cavey, Sr. Elizabeth Russell-Brown, Sr. Genevieve Loo, Sr. Stephen Leavy,Sr Theresa MomoyalewaSr. Anna Rarasea, Sr. Agnes Kenny (RIP), Sr. Allison Macalister, Sr. Katarina Naivecu, Sr. Therese Elanjimattam, Sr. Fathima Vandikaran, Sr Lusiana Dimate Matai and Sister Cecelia Chen we say merci beaucoup, vinaka vakalevu, dhanyvaad, faiaksia and thank you!
St Joseph is proud of its women and we are to be found impacting on every facet of life – as professionals, mothers and homemakers, academics, civil and international servants, religious, church and community leaders - whoever one speaks with they will always attribute a portion of their success to this School and all it stands for.
The Jubilee celebrations planned for July is another occasion for the alumnae to come together in community and we ask our Heavenly Father through the intercession of St Joseph to send his Holy Spirit to guide all thoughts and action, communication and discussion and plans and preparations for the celebrations in July as we offer this prayer of St Joseph on this Feast Day of our School:
Remember , O most pure spouse of Mary, and our dearly beloved guardian , St Joseph, that never was it known that anyone who invoked your care and requested your help was left without consolation. Inspired with this confidence, we come to you, and with all the ardor of our spirits we commend ourselves to you. Do not reject our prayers, O Foster Father of the Saviour, but graciously receive and answer them. Amen
Elizabeth Reade Fong
19 March 2011
Today, the 19th March is a significant day for all alumnae. It is the Feast of St Joseph, the Foster father of Jesus and our patron saint who is our constant reminder of humbleness and love of family. May I begin by wishing alumnae and the Sisters a happy St Joseph Feast Day! 3 cheers for St Joseph’s Secondary School Suva Fiji!
I stand here on behalf of the thousands of St Joseph Old Girls wherever they may be and remembering those long gone, who have benefited from the tutelage and guidance of the Sisters of St Joseph of Cluny and lay members of staff.
In 2006, we celebrated our Golden Jubilee which brought together alumnae from all over the world. It was the beginning of the rebirth of the alumnae which is further manifested through your presence at this Emerald Jubilee launch. The seed of this Jubilee was planted by some members of the 1st class of 1956 who live overseas who turn 70 this year and who wish to return home and to celebrate their birthdays with school friends and family.
The group made contact with Sister and I and shared their thoughts on what they were planning during the week 24-31 July. The seed was planted!
In the midst of communications with the 1956 group Sr Genevieve receive a reflection by Esther Heller of the Jewish Writing Institute from Trisha Sahai Muller which seemed so appropriate in light of the discussions taking place. It said:
“This is the Torah view of the winter of life: In the winter the trees look almost dead, like sticks in the ground. However beneath the ground the tree is putting down roots that will nourish it, and in the spring it bursts into flower. Old age is the springtime of life, all that you've learned bursts into blossom. It is the time that you, as well as others, can benefit from your years of knowledge and experience."
The seed took root and from this reflection sprouted the French Jubilee theme of “Le Printemps de la Vie" which in English means the Springtime of Life. It was read as paying tribute to our first alumnae; at the same time acknowledging the link with alumnae that followed and, in particular, the younger generation. The theme is also a tribute to our French connections which began in Chamblanc in France with Blessed Anne-Marie Javouhey who had visions of the call of young women in need in far-away lands that saw her establish the Congregation of the Sisters of St Joseph of Cluny Sisters which reached out to Africa, the Caribbean, the Pacific and the rest of the world, where they continue their work in her name. The 55 years of contribution by the School is signified by the emerald, a dark green precious stone reflecting how precious we all are. Together, these set the scene for the Emerald celebration.
Having been very involved in the Golden Jubilee in 2006 it is wonderful to see many of the Alumnae who were present then, and even greater to see tonight, many young faces of the last twenty years. The Executive of the Alumnae was heartened at the response from Alumnae to the call to form the Emerald Jubilee Committee for this celebration and I would like to share with you an email to me from Sr Genevieve which said `Those of the decades of the 90s and 2000 are a sign of spring as they are our future. We, the older ones are the ones to lay the foundation, to nourish the young with our knowledge and experience and help them to burst forth into flower. Somehow this celebration is growing from the grassroots level, and it is our role to direct and guide and give support.’ We are here to support you and I acknowledge with sincere gratitude the work of the Jubilee Committee led by Dr. Theresa Koroivulaono and look forward to their plans for July.
At this time of celebration, the alumnae acknowledge the Sisters of St Joseph of Cluny for their foresight and commitment to the education of girls through this school and others. Whilst many of us might not have thought it when we were at school, though our mother’s knew this, the Sisters were to have a profound effect on our lives. They instilled in us a belief in ourselves and that with honest hard work, the Lord’s guidance, the example of Our Lady and Blessed Anne Marie Javouhey combined with the humbleness of St Joseph and the advice of our parents, we could achieve what we set out to do and make a positive impact on our families, communities, nation and world. To them, and here I wish to mention their names, Sr. Louis Woodnutt, Sr. Jude Shiels, Sr. Rosalie Grant (RIP), Sr. Damien D'Arcy,Sr. Dismas Wilson (RIP), Sr. Joseph Davies, Sr. Irene Bouchier-Hayes, Sr. Eileen McGrath, Sr. Francis Kelly, Sr. Angela Cavey, Sr. Elizabeth Russell-Brown, Sr. Genevieve Loo, Sr. Stephen Leavy,Sr Theresa MomoyalewaSr. Anna Rarasea, Sr. Agnes Kenny (RIP), Sr. Allison Macalister, Sr. Katarina Naivecu, Sr. Therese Elanjimattam, Sr. Fathima Vandikaran, Sr Lusiana Dimate Matai and Sister Cecelia Chen we say merci beaucoup, vinaka vakalevu, dhanyvaad, faiaksia and thank you!
St Joseph is proud of its women and we are to be found impacting on every facet of life – as professionals, mothers and homemakers, academics, civil and international servants, religious, church and community leaders - whoever one speaks with they will always attribute a portion of their success to this School and all it stands for.
The Jubilee celebrations planned for July is another occasion for the alumnae to come together in community and we ask our Heavenly Father through the intercession of St Joseph to send his Holy Spirit to guide all thoughts and action, communication and discussion and plans and preparations for the celebrations in July as we offer this prayer of St Joseph on this Feast Day of our School:
Remember , O most pure spouse of Mary, and our dearly beloved guardian , St Joseph, that never was it known that anyone who invoked your care and requested your help was left without consolation. Inspired with this confidence, we come to you, and with all the ardor of our spirits we commend ourselves to you. Do not reject our prayers, O Foster Father of the Saviour, but graciously receive and answer them. Amen
Elizabeth Reade Fong
19 March 2011